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Do you know about the new circuits for Machu Picchu?

Do you know about the new circuits for Machu Picchu?


Here is a brief explanation of the 3 circuits for the Machu Picchu Sanctuary and their respective routes.

Circuit 1: "Panoramic"

This circuit offers a complete view of the Inca citadel and is divided into four routes:

Route 1: Machu Picchu Mountain
In front of the Llaqta Machu Picchu, with a wide and panoramic view of the Sanctuary.

Route 2: Upper Terrace
It is a short route with an impressive view of Machu Picchu. It provides access to the upper terrace, ideal for the famous photo with Machu Picchu in the background.

Route 3: Intipunku
Access to Intipunku and a panoramic view of the Sanctuary. Available only in high season.

Route 4: Inca Bridge
Allows access to the Inca Bridge, available only in high season.


Circuit 2: "Classic Machu Picchu"

This is the most complete and requested circuit, divided into two routes:

Route 1: Designed
Starts with the ascent to the upper platform, followed by the Sacred Rock, the water mirrors, the esplanade, and the Pisonay plaza. It is the ideal route to take the famous photo of Machu Picchu.

Route 2: Lower Terrace
Similar to the first route, but without the ascent to the upper platform.


Circuit 3: "Royal Machu Picchu"

This circuit is divided into four routes, and you will not be able to take the classic photo. You will climb for approximately 2 hours to reach the summit. You will have a photo from the high part with a panoramic background. The entrance will be from the lower part of the wonder, touring the urban area. The uniqueness of this circuit is that you will be able to visit the Temple of the Condor, the Temple of the Sun, and the House of the Inca.

Route 1: Waynapicchu Mountain

Route 2: Designed

Route 3: Great Cave
Available only in high season.

Route 4: Huchuypicchu
Available only in high season.


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